Experience the finest timing system for Lacrosse

Physical attributes

  • 10” capacitive touch LCD

  • Dedicated game clock switch

  • Dedicated shot clock switch

  • USB connector

  • WiFi enabled

  • Battery pocket

  • Built-in speaker

  • Ethernet connector

The Perfect Score Timing

Master Controller for Lacrosse

Perfect Score Timing - Master Controller top view

Functional attributes

  • 8 hours of battery life on a single charge

  • Swappable battery

  • WiFi enabled

  • Dedicated switches mean the scorer can watch the game while still controlling the game clock and shot clock

  • Large screen means that all of the game’s stats are easily read and managed

  • Touch screen allows user to manage the game stats the same way they would on their phone.

  • Rubber corner protectors

  • Battery can be charged through the USB connector

Using a 10” LCD touchscreen allows the scorer to manage every aspect of a Lacrosse game.

Lacrosse Home Screen Annotated

Lacrosse home screen annotated
  1. Away Score

  2. Increment Away score

  3. Remaining Away TOs

  4. Start an Away TO

  5. Game Clock

  6. Period

  7. Home Score

  8. Increment Home score

  9. Remaining Home TOs

  10. Start a Home TO

  11. Start a 1-minute personal foul on the Away team

  12. Start a 2-minute personal foul on the Away team

  13. Start a 3-minute personal foul on the Away team

  14. Start a 30-second technical foul on the Away team

  15. Start a 1-minute personal foul on the Home team

  16. Start a 2-minute personal foul on the Home team

  17. Start a 3-minute personal foul on the Home team

  18. Start a 30-second technical foul on the Home team

  19. Start a new game

  20. Configure the Master Controller

  21. Configure displays

  22. Sound the horn

    Bold text indicates that you can set that value by pressing the value

The Master ControlLer works with

Small Display

PST - small display

Large Display

PST - Game Display
